Leadworks 2.1
1. Unified lighting system. Shader model 3.0 needed.
2. Supports Newton Physics.
3. Supports every mesh type, converted to native format.

The new lighting system through shaders is realtime via post processing shader, so there is no need for shadow maps. It is absolutely fantastic lighting system.

one can ctreate mesh geometry in max3d and such. The BSP system of collisions has been dropped, I think. And newton physics colissions take care of colissions with the world. Which again is very robust.

All in all this is the best and affordable 3d game engine. It is futuristic and as the trend is going, shader model 3.0 will be normal for all PC's.

BTW there is no demo mode available now, but if requested to the developer, might convince him for supplying a demo mode. I am keen to purchase this 3dengine, but will have to wait, as it needs hardware upgrade too.LOL.

My Specialities Limited.