Having a resource file of 200 MB is pointless. In fact, the user would be required to download the whole file.

To circumvent this, you would have to download the needed files on demand by yourself. E.g. you could write your own counterparts for ent_create etc.: you first check if the file exists on the harddrive, you load it from there. If not, you load it from the internet first to the harddisc and then you load it from there. This sort of a cache check could be done fast with a fast hash table.

With certain implementations you could also stream audio data instead of downloading it. The same for textures: if you use a procedural texture system, the bandwith used for the texture descriptions is very low. On the clientside you could re-generate it then. If you stay on conventional textures you should use DDS texture for smaller files.

So, you have to make your game load the game content step by step instead of once. The only thing Conitec could add would be streaming of textures, models and animations. Though, I think that this is a too big step and is not intended for A7 and the predicted (!) web-player. If you really need a good streaming technolgy use one of the "higher" class commercial engines like gamebryo or such (if you really intend to make a big game with very much content and potential).

Last edited by HeelX; 08/04/08 01:05.