Here's a link to The Game Creators site, where they make Dark Basic Pro, and bunch of other tools. That includes something I have had for a while, but haven't used in a long time: DarkShader.

It's about $40, and you make shaders that you can (I think) export as .FX files. You make them all interactively and visually, and you can even edit the generated code.

I did see this on their list of pre-made shaders:
Heat Haze - Great for simulating refracted air near a fire
And this: Reflection Mapping - Reflects the environment onto the model

Sorry, but I didn't see this: Refraction Mapping

I'm sure if you know how to program really well, you could probably figure out how to make a refraction shader in DarkShader.

Go 3d Game Studio... it's your birthday... we're gonna party like it's your upgrade!