Originally Posted By: Tiles
I started with gameSpace and trueSpace. The GUI is not the problem. The problems are rigging and animation. Dont do this with trueSpace (or gameSpace). It's the hell.

That was the past. The new bones system is very powerful and easy to handle.

So you say it is stable now? No more crashes during animation? No more crashings when I use chamfer tool or similar?

I used to work with Truespace / Gamespace like Wicht did. And both of us changed to Lightwave later. TS is a fast modeler after you learned the icons. But it takes time to learn them. You need the same time to learn Lightwave, XSI or Blender. I can tell you that learning Bodypaint or ZBrush is even harder than learning Blender.

These tools are complex, sophisticated and powerful. You really have to read manuals and tutorials otherwise you are lost. The alternative is MED and I am sure that a beginner has much problems there too if he decides to not read the manual.

All these tools have advantages and disadvantages but it makes no sense to beat one tool down while praising another one. The only important point here is to use legal software, learn it well and then make good art with it. Dont use pirated tools, they will not make a better artist. You still have to learn a lot about architecture, anatomy, tricks and workarounds. Becoming a good artist is much harder than becoming a programmer. You have to learn much more tools and gather a lot of experience and knowledge for that.

So just pick up any tool of your choice and start learning. It will take you several years from now and it will never stop wink

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