im not a game developer nor to i claim to be i have only small experience with 3dgamestudio and other game engine's

And yet you expect to lead a team in making something with which you have no experience? You expect to make a huge game like GTA when you can't even make a small game like Pac-Man? crazy

I'll keep this short:
1) Nobody will form a team with you. Those that do will be even less aware of what it take to make a video game than you.
2) Nobdy will work for free. Royalties are a carrot that amateur game developers dangle in front of even MORE amateur game developers in order to get some work.
3) If you don't have a small game or two under your belt, you should not expect to make a large game.

Best Advice: make a small game. In about 2 years you'll be ready to make your GTA dream game. If you don't have 2 years, aren't willing to wait 2 years, or 2 years sounds execissive, then you have no buisness in game development. wink