Originally Posted By: Blade28081991
But i do think that you shouldn't manage a team of game creators, without any experience in making games.

Makes sense now lol , i really dont know what i was thinking before how can you manage and correct mistakes if you cant spot them in the first place lol.

Originally Posted By: Joozey
need to start to develop the game yourself, and when you got something to show, people will jump on your train.

Im going to start to learn lite-C properlly i mean i did the tutorials, but that doesent make me and exspert at all yet.
I only wish there where more training resource's could you recommend any ?

Originally Posted By: Blade28081991
I never made pacman frown , i need to. lolz

Lol same , but Pac-Man was great , lets also not forget pong ! some real hard-core graphics in that game lol

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