I did a quick search to see if this was posted yet, and nothing came up, so I'm now posting it. In case there is already a topic about it, my apologies.

Now, Indy-developer Cliff Harris is asking the pirates why they are pirating his games. Piracy and the reasons for it is, depending on your viewpoint, a very complex issues with lots of things to consider, or really amazingly simple (why paying if you can get it for free!). The thing is, he is asking them directly, and now, the first results are in. He has posted his article on numerous sites, including slashdot and the Penny Arcade-forums. There are more links on the "results"-page, if you want them.

So... what do you think? What causes piracy? Was the experiment worthwile? Do you think it can be stopped, or that maybe other questions should be asked first (i.e. who uploads these things? who develops cracks, etc.?).
Since piracy is a sensitive issue, I suppose it'd be a good idea not to give any links or information on where to find illegal software.

However, we as indy developers might be affected to, one day, when we finish our new kickass MMORPG (it's gonna be awesome, definately better than WoW!). Maybe some of you were already?

I hope this thread is not against the rules, but I really find this experiment interesting and wanted others to know about it, too.

Perhaps this post will get me points for originality at least.

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