I have a "interesting" issue, I've written the following code:
#define health skill1
... //and so on
#define invincible FLAG1 //EDIT: Updated to what is shown in code


action makeGuard();

function modelHit()
if (event_type == EVENT_IMPACT)
if (my.invincible == ON) //Looks like flags and such don't transpher over, move back to global struct?


//uses: health, velX, velY, velZ, state, damage, invincible, onGround
action makeGuard()
my.emask |= ENABLE_IMPACT;
my.event = modelHit;

But I get an error saying that "flag1 is not a member of ENTITY" since I know you can call certain values like my.pan into the event function and it work just fine, can you not pull skill's and flags into it as well? If this is so I can just transfer everything into a struct and it will work that way, I simply wanted to know if I could use skills and flags of an ENTITY to make it a bit easier.

Any clarification would be nice. Thanks guys smile

Last edited by Trooper119; 08/18/08 01:18.

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