ack.bat was missing, but the files were extracted per the instructions, 'I' believe, and it worked fine here.
( was updated to include ack.bat, an updated readme, and a settings.ini file with a greater resolution setting.)

If 'you' don't feel that it can work there, or don't want to bother with it, that is fine, but it did take a bit of effort to put it up.
If 'you' wouldn't mind offering a bit more about what error was produced, that would be grand.
It would be nice to know a bit about what issues are found on machines outside 'our' scope for this type of 'production'.
If that is just too much trouble to bother with, that is fine.

From the updated _dd1-readme.txt:

following .dlls were in 3DGS root install dir:
*d3dx9_30.dll (DirectX .dll shipped with acknex engine?)
---(move to _dd1 dir, if errors about missing)
*mfc71.dll (7.10.3077.0; M$ C++ Runtime)
*msvcp71.dll (7.10.3077.0; M$ C++ Runtime)
*msvcr71.dll (7.10.3052.4; M$ C++ Runtime)