I've been wanting to make this game since i was 9, problems: no team, copywrite...stuff,and thats about it, what I'm just looking for is a group of dedicated Metal Gear fans who know more about 3DGS than I do, I'm still sorta' new to it, but if you know more about it than I do than you might know what I need as a team. The game idea is Metal Gear: Fox, about a character in the Metal Gear series who was my favorite character in the game Grey Fox (Frank Jaeger) The story takes place from before the Outer Heaven chapter looking into his past life, how he became a solider, training, etc. too Shadow Moses, where he dies-dies. If anyones intrested, I'll send more on my idea. (possible cover http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k7/Stevum_2006/cover1.jpg)

contact me via e-mail- smgb92@yahoo.com

Last edited by Stevum; 08/21/08 19:06.