We are very sorry that Newton did not meet the high expectations of IndiGLOW. He has such very high standards that he should not use Newton, instead He should use something better (GS professional or Havok maybe).

Newton is for those that do not have the budget (more than hundred thousand dollars for the Havok case), the programming expertise, and a household brand for company name.

There are other alternative to Newton, but let me make this analogy. A physics engine is like a formula one car. They can run very fast but they are very temperamental and unstable, You need to be a really good pilot to drive them. This applies to any physics engine you try. But I think that IndiGLOW new that already. Let me tell you that I have evaluated many physics engines commercials and freeware. You can blame Newton for lacking some features (something that will be corrected soon), but when it comes to stability Newton come on top.

I am dying to see IndiGLOW Havok demos with Game Studio.
IndiGLOW we are sorry we lose you as a user. But we will still welcome you should you decide to come back.
