I'll buy a game if its content pipeline err gameplay or whatever you would call it requires a network subscription (and the requirement is valid and not just padding the bill) such as mmo's, metaverses, and steam games where you must be valid to participate in the community AND the community is worth a true desire to participate in (cs:s, quakewars,auidosurf,etc..) if its a single player game... forget it.. no need to buy it by my mind. The single player market is pretty dead anyway I mean, when was the last 20 hour+ adventure game you finished? I think mine was Oblivion, and I bought that cuz it was fantastic for a 1player game and the whole time i just wished i could lan up with my buddies.

So you see, I will support 1player games, but Im not likely to do so with crap like "murder at the abbey" hitting the shelves. In contrast, I have preorders on both spore and the sims 3. I have also, in the past, dumped more $$ into secondlife than I care to admit.


See more code and crap @ www.neuroticnetworks.com