
i am trying to do this but not able to. I have 10 entities (an animated model). I want it to move from point P1 to point P2 over time T seconds. and animating it during tat movement. (each entity has its own P1 and P2 which i already stored).

i have tried this but doesnt work.

for(i=0; i<10; i++)
c_move(entAgent[i], vector(distance, 0, 0), nullvector, GLIDE);
anim_percent += 0.25 * time_step;
ent_animate(entAgent[i], "walk", anim_percent, ANM_CYCLE);


here distance is calcultated and T = 0.1 seconds. The motion is proper but the animation is not happening. and am not sure if the agent is taking 0.1 seconds to move over that distance. any help plz...

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