I just completed a major update to my game developer resource site. Official announcement below:

The GameDeveloperTools.com Ratings & Reviews system is now live! Please stop by and rate your favorite books, engines, libraries, and other tools.

At the heart of the new system is the Total Score, which is calculated using both average rating and product popularity. Read more about the Total Score here.

A number of other features have been added since launch. Highlights:

- The database now includes more than 2000 books, engines, libraries, and other tools
- There are now more categories in Engines/Libraries
- There is now a full directory option in Engines/Libraries
- Tools->Physics now has four categories
- Tools->File Management has expanded to eight categories
- Tools->Audio now has two categories
- Perl and JavaScript have been added to Books->Programming

About GameDeveloperTools.com:

GDT was created to provide a one-stop resource of available tools for game developers everywhere. While there are many great resources currently available, few are kept up to date, and nowhere can you browse every category in one place.

The website houses an ever-expanding database with links to more than 2000 books, engines, libraries, and other tools. Our goal is to be as comprehensive as possible, and in that vein I encourage visitors to contact us with submissions, corrections, suggestions, or questions.

** EDIT **

I just saw that vlau posted about the site yesterday. (thanks V!) Would a moderator be able to combine the two posts?

Last edited by TMichael; 09/04/08 16:55.

A comprehensive library of game development resources.