Hey everyone, its Jumpman again!
Yes! I am still working on Tomorrow Armor. This game is too much fun to just forget smile
Came to show you some AI and gameplay progress of Tomorrow Armor:


Watch the video, then read more about it in detail below.

1. Flanking Behavior : AI units will try to flank their targets, by pathing to the sides of their enemy. Soon I will implement their decision to choose whether to flank or not based on how many allies their target has, the overall status of the flanking unit and etc.

2. Cover Finding and Suppresion Fire: AI units will seek out cover after making contact with the enemy. After finding cover, the AI will emerge from cover to try and find their target. If the AI does not find it's target, it will lay down suppression fire on the last area it thinks it's target was.

3. Unit Control: The Player can enter a "Command Mode" and give simple commands to allied units. At the moment only "Move to clicked spot" and "Attack Target" are available. Units will move to mouse clicked area, but will engage the enemy if one is found.

Both the Player and the AI's have access to special abilities, and the AI will use them accordingly. The Higher the rank the unit has, the stronger the special is.
Here is the current list:

Self Heal: Unit will heal itself for an initial burst, then a periodic heal for a few seconds after. Good for when you are low on health.

Ally Heal: Unit will heal a damaged ally that is close to it. The heal can go through walls. Good for healing important units.

Heavy Armor: Unit will boost it’s current armor, and increase it’s deflection Armor for a limited amount of time. Deflection armor increases your chances of fully deflecting incoming machine gun bullets. The increased armor value will also help to mitigate bullets that were not deflected and shell explosions.

Bounce Shield: Unit will bounce off every machine gun bullet and direct shell away. However it cannot bounce indirect splash damage nor non ballistic specials, and it has a very short duration.

Powered Bullets: Increases the damage and speed of your machine gun, but does not increase it’s accuracy. Has a low cooldown, so you will be able to chain cast it on yourself.

Powered Shells: Greatly increases the direct damage, splash damage, and splash range of your shells.

Flame Thrower: Shoots a stream of flame. Can hit multiple targets. Rapidly melts armor.The only way to mitigate flame damage is with flame armor. Has a very short range and medium cooldown.

Homing Rocket: Launches a rocket that attempts to track your target. Can be shot over walls. Higher ranks increase the air time.

Bolt: an Instant bolt of electricity is shot at your target, and will attempt to shock two of the target’s closest allies. Damage can only be mitigated by Bolt Armor. Must maintain Line of Sight with your target to achieve the full effect.

Lazer Beam: shoots an instant beam of heat that rapidly melts armor and health. Damage can only be mitigated by flame Armor.

Displacement: You swap positions with your target, teleporting you to their position, and they to your last position. Good for disorienting the target.

Weapon Stop: (NOT SHOWN IN VIDEO) Prevents your target from using any of their weapons.

Move Stop: (NOT SHOWN IN VIDEO) Prevents your target from moving.

Attractor Field: (NOT SHOWN IN VIDEO) Temporarily Increases your health, and creates a vacuum which sucks in all enemy projectiles to you. Good for protecting another unit, especially while behind walls.

The cool thing is, the AI has access to all the special abilities the player has, and is also limited by the amount of times they can use a special. The AI also uses the specials accordingly. For example, an AI will only use the Attractor Field if he is under fire and surrounded by allies.

There is also a simple team deathmatch mode, where both teams roam the field and engage enemies . This was originally used to create a running demo to find some elusive bugs, but will now become a feature. The AI’s and the Player will respawn if they have lives left, and will be given a random special ability.


1. Going to add an Airstrike Special, and an Arching Heat Beam special. AI’s will use these based on how many allies their target has (to increase amount of enemies getting hit).

2. Troop Specials, specials for on foot units:

Stun: Stuns the target, preventing movement or weapons for a short amount of time. Can only be used on troops.

Tank Buster: Busts the enemy’s armor, dividing it in half for a short amount of time. Can only be used against non foot units.

Attach bomb: Attaches a timed bomb that explodes. Can only be used against non foot units.

Stealth: Foot unit will enter stealth, preventing enemies from seeing it. If a stealth unit lands an attack that will hit, the unit will exit stealth. Can only be used by foot troops.

Deception: Temporarily deceives the target, switching it’s allegiance to the caster.

3. Character Specific Specials: Special Characters in the story will get their own specials, such as:

Transfer Essence : Unit will damage enemy, and receive healing based on damage.
Reverbing Impact: Direct shell impacts will hurt the closest ally, reguardless of Line of sight.

4. Getting Foot troops: Working in soldiers instead of all vehicles.

So far there is a lot of work to be done, and I am a little afraid about people’s computer’s getting to advanced to play this game when it’s finished. But I wont mind smile

Let me know.

Last edited by jumpman; 09/05/08 21:28.