Thank you all smile

It looks intricate, but it really isnt, all it is is just a combination of smaller scripts fleshed out in seperate testing levels, then all tuned to work with each other.... which, I guess in the end it is pretty intricate :P


I have winXP, 3 gigs of ram, but with a terrible graphics card. With 15 on 15 AI's I can get 30-40 FPS, but when the 30 AI's start to engage each other, and bullets and effects start flying, it can drop as low as 15 fps. However alot of what is eating the frame rate is the little effects such as the smoke plumes, impact animations, shell scorches, and large amount of transparencies on screen. At the moment I have a dirty "equalizer" script to destroy all eye candy effects if the framerate drops too low.

- here's a little more about the game mechanics -

Unit Stats:

Physical Armor: Armor mitigates all physical damage by the amount of armor you have. The higher armor, the more mitigation. An incoming projectile has raw damage values, which are reduced by the armor. Any damage that makes it through the armor mitigation is subtracted from the unit's health. The max amount of armor is 10k. Tanks have way more armor than troops. Physical Armor cannot mitigate flame or bolt damage. Can be replenished by picking up armor plates, or special buffs.

Health: Health is the life of your unit. If it drops to zero the unit dies. Can be replenished by health pickups, self heals or heals by allies.

Deflection Armor: Deflection armor increases your chances of fully deflecting bullet munitions. The higher your deflection value, the higher chance you have to deflect bullets. Troops have very low to no deflection armor. Can be increased by the Heavy Armor special and Tank Types with natural deflection. Shells cannot be deflected.

Flame Armor: the higher your flame armor, the more you reduce incoming flame damage. Can be increased by the Flame Armor special and unit types with natural flame armor.

Bolt Armor: the higher your bolt armor, the more you reduce incoming bolt damage. Can be increased by Bolt Armor Special and unit types with natural bolt armor.

Machine Gun accuracy: Reduces the straying of machine gun bullets while firing, can be increased by picking up the MG accuracy icon.

Shell Accuracy: reduces the straying of shells when fired, can be increased by picking up the Shell Accuracy icon.

There will be different factions specializing in different offensive and defensive personalities:

Titan Tank:
Armor: High
Health: High
Natural MG Damage: Low
Natural Shell Damage: Low
Special Types: Self Heal, Heavy Armor, Attractor
AI Personality: Finds Cover, Suppresion Fire, Bounce Shield

Fast Gunner:
Armor: Low
Health: Medium
Natural MG Damage: High
Natural Shell Damage: lower
Special Types: Powered Bullets
AI Personality: Always Flanks

Armor: Medium
Health: Low
Natural MG Damage: High
Natural Shell Damage: High
Special Types: Powered Bullets, Powered Shells, Bounce Shield
AI personality: Charges head on, Flanking

and etc :P

Last edited by jumpman; 09/05/08 23:55.