i have used george's i levels and his serious grass scrips to create and infinite world- i have modified the grass scripts into sererate new scripts to create a variety of things including trees, sheep, bales of straw, birds (that fly) and others- the problem i am having is that when i load a saved game the functions all work but the models are diferent. like the birds are now sheep (which acctually looks kinna cool, but not what i want) and maybe the birds now represent the grass and so forth- its like a random replacement of the models- like i said the functions still work, i.e. the sheep func still acts like a sheep- its just that the sheep model is now a bale of straw, or a bird, or a tree- i have also created a game before this and the same thing happened like the bad guys that should have been wolves are now the rock or grass model- totally random- like i said the functions still work as they should- just the wrong model- i would appreciate any input i can get- and thank you for you time-