here is the crow script- its acctually a pretty nice bird script- looks awesome- its dependent upon the players pos - also i am using the generic menu/opening screen script from aum8(i believe) and the start game opens a funciton that loads all the caracters in the begining- check after the crow script for the last_load_function - thank you

//****crow script
//****modified from the serious grass script by George Pirvu

var number_of_crow = 0; // counts the number of models that are placed in the level at a certain moment

entity* crow;

var player_position1;
var player_position2;

var crow_speed;
var in_front;
var crow_attack;
var walk_speed_crow;

string crow1_mdl = <crow.MDL>;
string crow2_mdl = <crow.MDL>;

function killer_crow();

action place_crow()

crow = my;
number_of_crow += 1;
my.enable_detect = on;
my.enable_scan= on;
my.enable_entity = on;
my.enable_impact = on;
my.enable_trigger = on;
my.trigger_range = 300;
my.enable_stuck = on;
my._health = 100;


my.event = killer_crow;

my.pan = random(360);
vec_set (temp, my.x);
temp.z -= 3000;
trace_mode =ignore_me + ignore_sprites + ignore_models + use_box;
my.z -= trace (my.x, temp) - (100 + random(300)); // place the crow model on the ground

while (vec_dist(player.x, my.x) < 8000)

crow = me;


//if(my._health <= 0) { crow_die(); return;}
crow_speed.x = 40 * time;
crow_speed.y = 0;
crow_speed.z = 0;
crow_speed *= time;
in_front.x = my.x + 40 * cos(my.pan);
in_front.y = my.y + 40 * sin(my.pan);
in_front.z = my.z;
while (vec_dist (player.x,my.x)<= 175)
walk_speed_crow.x = 80;
walk_speed_crow.y = 0;
walk_speed_crow.z = 0;
walk_speed_crow *= time;
//if(my._health <= 0) { crow_die(); return;}
my._animdist += 20 * time;
if(my._animdist >= 100) { my._animdist -= 100; }
temp.x = player.x - my.x;
temp.y = player.y - my.y;
temp.z = player.z - my.z;
force = 6;
force = 1;
move_mode = ignore_passable + ignore_me + ignore_sprites + use_box + glide ;
result = ent_move (walk_speed_crow, nullvector);
//player._score += 1;

if (result == 0) // got stuck?
crow_speed.x *= -1;
my.skill40 = my.pan;
my.skill41 = 30 + random(90);
while (my.pan < my.skill40 + my.skill41)
my.pan += 5 * time;
ent_cycle("walk", my.skill20);
my.skill20 -= 10 * time;
my.skill20 %= 100; // loop
move_mode = ignore_passable;
ent_move (crow_speed, nullvector);
wait (1);
crow_speed.x *= -1; // restore the initial speed

vec_set (temp.x, my.x);
temp.z -= 3000;
trace_mode = ignore_me + ignore_sprites + ignore_models + use_box;
my.z -= trace (my.x, temp);

if (content(in_front) == content_solid)
my.skill40 = my.pan;
my.skill41 = 30 + random(90);
while (my.pan < my.skill40 + my.skill41) // rotate 30..120 degrees
my.pan += 5 * time;
ent_cycle("walk", my.skill20); // play the "run" animation
my.skill20 += 10 * time;
my.skill20 %= 100; // loop
wait (1);


if (content(in_front) == content_solid)
my.skill40 = my.pan;
my.skill41 = 30 + random(90);
while (my.pan < my.skill40 + my.skill41) // rotate 30..120 degrees
my.pan += 5 * time;
ent_cycle("walk", my.skill20); // play the "run" animation
my.skill20 += 10 * time;
my.skill20 %= 100; // loop
wait (1);
else // free to move
//if(my._health <= 0) { crow_die(); return;}
ent_cycle("walk", my.skill20); // play the "run" animation
my.skill20 += 10 * time;
my.skill20 %= 100; // loop
move_mode = ignore_passable + glide; // ignore passable entities
result = ent_move (crow_speed, nullvector);
if (result == 0) // got stuck?
crow_speed.x *= -1; // then reverse the movement direction
my.skill40 = my.pan;
my.skill41 = 30 + random(90);
while (my.pan < my.skill40 + my.skill41) // rotate 30..120 degrees
my.pan += 5 * time;
ent_cycle("walk", my.skill20); // play reversed "run" animation
my.skill20 -= 10 * time;
my.skill20 %= 100; // loop
move_mode = ignore_passable; // ignore passable entities
ent_move (crow_speed, nullvector);
wait (1);
crow_speed.x *= -1; // restore the initial speed
if (content(in_front) == content_solid)

my.skill40 = my.pan;
my.skill41 = 30 + random(90);
while (my.pan < my.skill40 + my.skill41) // rotate 30..120 degrees
ent_cycle("walk", my.skill20); // play the "run" animation
my.skill20 += 10 * time;
my.skill20 %= 100; // loop
my.pan += 5 * time;
wait (1);
wait (1);


while (vec_dist(player.x, my.x) < 8000)
my.alpha = min (100, (10000 / (vec_dist(player.x, my.x))));
wait (1);

ent_remove (my);
number_of_crow -= 1;
// killer_crow();

function generate_crow()
while (player == null) {wait (1);}
while (1)
while (player == null) {wait (1);}
while (freeze_mode == 1) {wait(1);}
vec_set (temp.x, player.x);
temp.x += 4000 - random(8000);
vec_set (temp.y, player.y);
temp.y += 4000 - random(8000);
temp.z = player.z + 200;
if ((abs(temp.x - player.x) > 500 ) || (abs(temp.y - player.y) > 500 ))
// increase the nexus if you want to have more than 280 crow at once

if (number_of_crow < 100)
if (random(1) > 0.5)
ent_create (crow1_mdl, temp.x, place_crow);
ent_create (crow2_mdl, temp.x, place_crow);

wait (1);


function killer_crow

my.enable_entity = on;
my.enable_impact = on;
my.enable_trigger = on;
my.trigger_range = 500;
my = crow; // = my;

if (event_type == event_impact && you == player)
player._health -= 1;
vec_to_angle(player.pan, bounce);
if (event_type == event_trigger && you == player)


//***** last load funtion
//***** load all the npc into game

function last_load_func()

camera_dist[0] =125;
camera_dist[1] = -35;
camera_dist[2] = -40;

game_started = 1;

barn_max = 5;
barn_number = 0;
flight_level = 1;

temp_baron_dies = 0;

number_of_barn = 0;
number_of_tree = 0;
number_of_grass = 0;
number_of_straw = 0;
number_of_windmill = 0;
number_of_sheep = 0;
number_of_crow = 0;




STOP_SOUND enghandle;
enghandle = 0;


there are many other things that are going on in my script but perhaps this will be a good start- thanks again for any help