Originally Posted By: PHeMoX
Because God was born in modern times and was raised with English???

Last time I checked, wasn't the 'word' given to people in Hebrew and later translated into English and so on?

Well, if you had paid attention to the modern English, I said he preserved His word. BTW, God was not born period, He is from everlasting to everlasting.

The point in the Shakespeare example was not whether the words he originally penned were good/perfect, it was whether or not we have the words he originally penned.

The example fails in many areas, since it leaves the preservation (or keeping) up to man. God's word was preserved by Him (he did not leave it up to man to preserve His word perfect through the ages and into different languages). It's nothing for the creator of the universe to do this though.

Last edited by Schultz; 09/09/08 19:44.