Thank you, Schultz. Conversations about the bible are much more productive when they are non-self-referencial (ie: scripture quotes, ie "thumping")

He providentially guided the process in other words,

Now then, if we agree that as stated in Authorized KJV from Wikipedia that...

The king gave the translators instructions designed to guarantee that the new version would conform to the ecclesiology and reflect the episcopal structure of the Church of England and its beliefs about an ordained clergy. The translation was by 47 scholars, all of whom were members of the Church of England.

...then how do you prevent "the telephone effect" which occurs even with ONE translator?

Furthermore, how do we know that it was god telling king and these 47 scholars what was canon and what was not? If we assume these translators where guided by the holy spirit, then that is but one possibility. There are three possibilities here as I see it:

1) god though the holy spirit guided king and scholar
2) devil talked and guided king and scholar
3) socioeconomic force guided king and scholar
4) Church of England talked and guided king and scholar
5) king talked and guided sholar
6) nobody guided king and scholar

Thus, to assume that it was god through the holy spirit that guided the hand of king and scholar in this translation is but one of the many possibilities and I'm curious as to why you have chosen to believe #1 and dismiss all the rest.