I'm not sure if I should be taking you seriously at this point. You state "Precisely my point. There is no such thing as knowledge, not even the knowledge that there is no such thing. We cannot trust our own minds."
Firstly- If there is no knowledge you should not know this. You do know this therefore your philosophy is wrong.
Secondly- If you cannot trust your mind then you should not know that you cannot trust your mind. You do know this therfore your philosophy is wrong.
You proceed to explain:
"I must see it through the eyes of reason to understand it for myself to put the words into any perspective."
You contradict your previous statements. Don't you see, you do know things and you will be accountable to God. You know things because he controls the universe and made you in his image. Your mind reflects his mind. This makes it possible for you to know things. You must use reason to think, you cannot do otherwise. This is only possible because of the purpose of the God of the bible.