If you are asking me to conduct a bible study here, let me recommend that you read some of Gordon Clarks or John Robbins work on logic and the bible. Also J.C.Keister has stuff on Math and the Bible you can read.

Neither clark nor robbins nor keister made the statement that....

Math and logic are possible within the Christian worldview but not possible within your worldview.

... but you did. And when I showed that neither term was in the bible and thus not part of the christian worldview, you turn to wisdom and understanding.

You can't keep what you are saying straight... it's as simple as that.

Further evidence of this is that twice you've stated that I should have "infered" from your answers what you mean, which is a sign of an unclear presentation. Furthermore, now you ask me to go back piece together an answer, instead of simply giving me the answer. Even if the answer was already in a previous post, a simple reference to that post would have sufficed. But instead, you dont' make any specific references and simply state "the answer is up there; somewhere. I'm not going to tell you where; you have to piece it together". This again is evidence that you cannot keep you discussion points straight and rely on others to do it for you.

Understanding can only be acheived when people are honest with their words (math/logic vs. wisdom/understanding), are clear about their points(no "inference" needed), and when they give clear answers to clear questions (no "piece it together yourself"). As you lack all these qualities, we will never reach anything approximating understanding.

Thus I leave you with your worldview and your bible and this thread. I'll just satisfy myself with the knowledge that in death, all these questions will be answers.. but not here... not with you.

So enjoy the rest of the forum, ChrisTodd!
Ta! smile