I been working on this for many days now on and off. I am trying to print out the distances beteen two Ent.
I been over the manual and other code and still have not been able to make it work. It is something simple that I am doing wrong. It compile and runs, it is just not printing to the screen the distance of the two objects.

/////////////////////////////////////renny was here //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>
ENTITY* house;

ENTITY* snowman;

STRING* dis = "#30";

var distance;

distance = vec_dist(house.z,snowman.z);

TEXT* greetings_txt =
	pos_x = 20;
	pos_y = 20;
	string (dis);
	flags = VISIBLE;

action get_dis_house()
	house = my;
	snowman = you;
	my.ambient = 100;
	while (1)

	if(distance >100) 
{sys_exit ("Thank you for playing");}
	 wait (1);


function main()
	level_load ("");
	wait(2);	// wait until the level is loaded
	vec_set(camera.x, vector(-2500, 0, 100));
	ent_create("house.mdl", vector(0, 0, 0), NULL);
	ent_create("snowman.mdl", vector(0, 0, 600),NULL );

I hope some one can point me in the right way to make it work?
Thank You

I have A7 Commercial .............. Now I just need to learn how to use it