wow that looks cool!!

@ventilator: if you look at the code you will see that you can comment out some of the passes such as anywhere from p4-p12 to p13 which are just pixel shaders(very repetative ones I might add). This will make the effect less furry however, but should help speed. I'm sure you should be able to use a count or something instead of 13 identical passes with the only difference being the shader number =/. I just got a headache thinking about that one...


PS getting ready to test out the hatching shader .

"you give me the reason, you give me control, i gave you my purity, my purity you stole, did you think i wouldn't recognize this compromise? am i just too stupid to realize?" - Trent Reznor (NiN) Yahoo Messager ID: SHATT3R3DFA1TH