Just to answer your question about the art pipeline. Yes, selfmade. Starting point was trueSpace 7.6. Exported as Collada or X, imported into Ultimate Unwrap. From here exported as FBX and imported into MED. From there saved as MDL7. Another art pipeline goes across exporting as OBJ, then importing into Blender, and export from there using the MDL7 script.

Besides that, i have it, i have the baddie. Weeha smile

It is something this simple that you have to overlook it. The models were stored into a subfolder. But a blank level needs the meshes in the same folder than the WMB. When i put it out of the folder and besides the WMB everything works as thought.

Makes me wonder why you can load meshes from a subfolder into a level at all when the result doesn't gets displayed then. For me a bug. But anyways. Now i know what it is. Now it displays my meshes. And i can go on. Phew, what a battle smile

Many thanks for all the help and patience guys smile

One last question though. The meshes just gets displayed until a specific zoom. I move out a bit and the models vanishes. Which leads me to a next last question. How can i prevent the vanishing?

Last edited by Tiles; 09/17/08 12:07.

trueSpace 7.6, A7 commercial
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