I am very close to completing a small demonstration project that we are contributing to the community.

Here is a video of the core gameplay as it stands at the moment; Sorry the video quality is poor and a little dark, I am still tweaking the gamma settings, although the game doesn't look this dark when playing.

The game was designed specifically for us to test and demonstrate use of the Xbox 360 Controller and Rumble functionality, although support for keyboard control is also included for general play.

The game currently has 10 difficulty stages through the first training level, but many new stages and levels can easily be added.

The intention is to deliver a finished game demo that can be used by the community (if you want to make a shootemup) as a template to quickly get their game up and running.

It's written for A6 and we have not upgraded yet, so maybe someone could chip in and translate it for A7.

I think the X-Blaster shooter template should be relativly simple to change, for example I added the toon-shader post-processing shader from the wiki,tweaked the camera and got this smile

If you are interested in helping test the Xbox 360 controller setup for this game please visit: Thread and please post any C&C you have regarding the controller setup.

I would love to hear any comments any of you have on the game itself, ways we could improve it and most of all, if people are interested in it, how to share it.

Sorry again about the video quality, I will try and get higher quality ones next time cool

Thanks in advance for any and all of your comments

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