I've got a website for us and logo we will be treason gamees, "If it's to good to be true it must be Treason."

hopefully want a game basted for the a7 program, so need programmer for it please

to get in team please send message and or comment here

Here's our set first project

Maze's of Oblivion

one person starts as a maze designer other or others start as the maze runners.

Maze Designer- Makes mazes before game then hosts them and waits for maze runners to join. you start with a set of starting blocks, obstacles, monsters and traps
as the maze runner you are to kill the runners and or keep them at bay from exit as long as possible ^-^ and have fun watching them fall to your maze and or find places you can make
adjustments to make your maze tuffer, it will be 3d so you can adjust heigh like to jump from high cliff to low or travel threw a cave area or sumthen like such, you will be able to place objects in
a grid like box position which adds a little more speed and helps you allign and adjust heights.

Money you earn as maze designer -
type- design points how- there are to ways to get money to buy new pieces for your maze
1. kill a runner
2. keep the runner from escaping as long as possible (y points x every 30 second interval
that passes that they dont all die or reach the end

Maze Runner- You get to custimize or own hero to look as you want *human race tho* and try to get to the end of maze without dieing as fast as possible so you do not
let the designer get to much points. *note* you will not be allowed to sit more then about 1-3 minutes to prevent money feeding.

Money you earn as a maze runner-
type- coins how- there's two ways to earn cash as a hero
1. Reach the end of maze
2. kill monsters

traps(so far ideas within 3 min.)-

Squish stone , arrow shots from wall , swining blades , block raise into spikes , pillar jumps , monster door open <ambush> , flame from wall triggers , boulder , breaking floor , lava , trap doors , trigger open spike trap .

Im main modeler and concept artist
Need programmer (currently)
Need Models skin Artist (currently)
Need modeler with expierience with games
so he can also teach me how stuff works also ^-^(currently)

quickconcept art i made just for idea then ill make better detailed ones
My Concept Art

well this one be a fun starting game to make i think then when we get enough expierience start on other projects like i requested join of team for rpg but prob best start sumthen fun small and catchy like this ^-^.

Last edited by mercc; 09/23/08 11:08.