
I picked up the following code (or something close to it) in this forum a few years back.
I use the mouse to pick an object (my) with the left mouse button
I move it around and when I let go
The enity drops on something or not.

Here the code...you will have to play with this. smile

function pick_drop ()
wait (1);
i_counter += 1;
if ((i_counter % 2) == 1)
while (mouse_left == 1) //the object is selected with the mouse
vec_set (temp_m, vector(mouse_cursor.x,mouse_cursor.y,194)); // play with the z position
vec_for_screen(temp_m, camera);
vec_set (my.x,temp_m.x); // entity and camera are the same
wait (1);
vec_set (temp_m.x, my.x);
my.z += 10; // (20)

c_move(my,nullvector,nullvector, IGNORE_MAPS| ACTIVATE_TRIGGER | IGNORE_CONTENT | USE_AABB);

if (event_type != EVENT_TRIGGER)
my.z -= 10; //
i_counter += 1;

Hope this is what you wanted.