Really appreciate your comments sinnlos.

First here are some pix of the UV mapping for the body and head:

The unwrap appears a little messy in places, with the wound section above the feet having several model parts laid out over it. Also a small ammount of the polies for under the trousers are laid out underneath the main leg area.

I know that this is not ideal, but the location of these on the model is very minor and looks fine.

The head map has a space in the lower right possibly for the bloodied neck stump for if/when models are beheaded.

Anyway I would like to respond to some of your comments smile

Originally Posted By: sinnlos

-make the silhouette more interesting... its to smooth

Can you give me more detail please. I presume you mean parts of the model that are 'proud' of the models general shape? The model is being designed as a base template, a human male with additional zombie skins. I hope to generate additional items, backpacks, tool belts and other such parifinalia that would break the models siluette up.

That said, maybe you could suggest some ideas for altering the base model to achieve this?

Thanks smile

Originally Posted By: sinnlos

-the textures quite good but could need a little more work. the blood stains are very blurry and the light brown shirt under the jacket needs a little bit more variation. ( has some great blood-splatters)

I have spent considerable time with the head texture compared to that of the main body. The shirt and jacket are very new compared to the jeans, boots and other parts so I still have a lot of work to do.

Thanks for the tip about cgtextures, will def take a look.

Originally Posted By: sinnlos

-the polyflow is good... but you will need to add at least one, better two edgeloops at the knees, elbows and shoulders in order to get nice transitions when animating.

Yes I expect I will need to create a few more polies for motion as you say. Hopefully I can cut these in as I add the biped and skin control.

Originally Posted By: sinnlos

-maybe you can get rid of some polys on the shoes, so the polycount will stay the same when you add those edgeloops mentioned before.

When I remodeled the feet for the 3rd time (lol) I was really pleased with the general profile and shape, although I completely agree with you, there are def some polies that can be trimmed out without much noticable change to the models form.

Really appreciate you taking the time to share your C&C with me, its very important we make this model as best as we possibly can. I am experimenting with bones for animating the head at the moment, focused on a simple Jabba-Jabba talk system.

Thanks again sinnlos grin

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