
Do you currently post on the Garage Games website as well? It seems like I've run across another Christian developer wanting to build an RPG there. Is it you?

I don't know how to respond to Zazang's comments about Christain games not selling, I have no data to support his comments, or refute them, but I think the change from the many fantasy based or SCiFi based RPG's on the market might be a breath of fresh air to many RPG players. (Don't laugh guys, Faith instead of magic, converting people to your side instead of bashing them in the head. these are some ideas that are fresh in the world of RPGs.)

Currently, I'm designing levels for GraceWorks (www.GraceWorks.com). Though it is not an RPG, it is also a 3D Christian themed game.

Drop me an E-mail sometime. (worf229@yahoo.com) My website should be up sometime next month.

Prepare to be assimilated. Resistance is futile

Amanda Dearheart

Business E-mail : cjw.roberson@gmail.com