dear Dcworks
I can understand you passion to make a game. But I would higly encourage you to consider what I have to say.
I am a christian myself, and I have made a few projects that have had a christian theme to them. First when it comes to business, christianity or God is no guarantee for business success, in fact I see christianity and business extreemly far from each other.
Our "christian themed" games have not had any great success, mainly because the "christian" gaming scene is small.

Secondly, when someone claims "God told me", I have by the years learned to activate my skeptic code (my.skeptic =on;) at that point. The reason is the more that some people claim that, the more often they go astray. I domnīt want to offend you in any way, itīs just my experience.

Thirdly, I do not personally like such a strong division, WE CHRISTIANS and those others. We are all equal in front of God.

Fourth: Christianity says to us: "do to others what you want them to do to you." If you want people to help you, then help them, do not ask for only "true" christians to help you. How would you feel if you asked for help and someone "not" christian said: well I help only none christians?

We are here to make games, that thing unites us, then it is up for anyone to make a game content of their own wish. I co-operate with any person regardless of religion or political beliefs when i make games!

I stronly recomend you to reflect the views and attitude you have. If you do, i think you will be wellcomed by many developers to co-operate and help each othere here.