Hey lost,

That would be much appreciated, I currently have a modeler, a musician, an artist, and a writer. I am still looking for Programmers, and level designers.
I can give you a full storyline of the game on sign up to the team if you like and current screens of work that has been made since we started about a week ago.
Please email me at cdtjones69@hotmail.com or if you have MSN it would be better to add and do direct chat as I am on it 24/7 working.
I have recently added a Sub Company to Conflict Games called Conflict Hosting where I run web hosting and CS:S server hosting if you are looking for a website we might be able to work something out.

Chris Jones,
CEO. Conflict Games.

looking for team members please send email to cdtjones69@hotmail.com or go to www.conflict-games.com

Chris Jones,
Conflict Games