This is getting close to being done all. It is actually a priority for the game at the moment, so hang in there a few more days.

This Earth Sculpture plug-in will be free for the 3dgs community.

The major change to the original plan is that it will now export a single hmp file instead of a group of sectored model files.

//******************* Old Sectored Model Exporter ******************//

We found too many issues with falling through the models at few certain points in the meshes with the sectored model version with our large maps, mainly a very very few mountain sides (like 3 spots on a 512x512 ES map sectored to 8x8 models (64 models)).
What I have linked below the old original sectored model plug-in as is. It won't have all the bells and whistles of the newer plug-in, but it will export the terrain mesh as a grid of models while reducing the number of polies on the flat areas and correctly aligning them in a wmp file.

Place in Earth Sculpture plug-in folder and then you can Export like a 8x8 model grid of the terrain (so 64 models) or whatever you specify. This plug-in will probably not be improved on (but then again, we are trying to find best performance, so we might end up back here again if we can solve the collision issues we encountered with this method), but if you want your terrain exported as a group of models, this might be useful to you because this exporter does work for that.

From Earth Sculpture, go Export - 3DGS Sector Export V1.01. I think it exports blend map also, but that is about it.

OLD VERSION! (Please read above) ES to 3DGS Sectored Model Exporter

For those without Earth Sculpture, this was output from that plug-in on a test map to a wmp file (8x8 sectors).
Sample Output from Sectored plugin


The new hmp exporter plug-in should be done very soon, actually there is a version ready, but we are trying to tweak it and will probably go nuts and do some other test on different methods, but we will put it up soon.

We keep going back and forth when working on this trying to find best method, but we will get final versions of all the crazy Earth Sculpture exporters we create and test linked here eventually.


Professional A8.30
Spoils of War - East Coast Games