Originally Posted By: lostclimate
do you want to go for ease (vertex animation) or complexity w/extra power (bones).

Thats exactly the point lostclimate smile

To be at all acceptable / competative with current game trends we will need to support some core features such as rag-doll and realtime IK. But due to the way GS can mix vertex and bone anims (I believe), it is not a choice of A or B, instead a blend of the two.

My concern is workflow. While producing a single game model prototype is acceptably a slower more time consuming process, once the prototype is signed off we will need an effecient pipeline.

Our native modeling environment is 3DsMax, which we have many years of experience using, but with no clear or workable pipeline to get bones from max into GS, some development, i.e game-bone rigging, is considerably time consuming.

I know that the decisions we make here with the prototype can have considerable impact when production is ramped up.

So if bones and mesh anims can be combined, especially when using 3DsMax, what would be the best workflow? Are there ways to duplicate the bone rigs in MED?

How does this affect the models topology, do you have any advice in this respect? Much appreciated smile

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