I'm currently trying to compare one string element of a text object with another one using str_stri as I just need to know if one is appearing in the other one.

So I have a text object named

and another one named

they are both defined before the function and properly filled with content.
Now I'll post the bit of code that results in a E1513 crash:
function modSys_SortObjects()
	var i;
	// cycle through the whole Mod Objects string array
	i = 0;
	while(i < nro_ModObjects)
		// is it a model (fleet) file?
			counter_fleets += 1;

This is the begining of a function (obviously) and it crashes at the if(str_stri ...) line

I tried:
- starting with 1 as id for the string elements => still crashing
- using a character sequenz in the str_stri at second place, e.g. ".mdl" and "mdl", both => crash

any idea what I'm doing wrong here?

Thanks in advance!

counter_fleets is a previously defined variable starting with zero aswell.