it should.

1. open a terminal, log in as root
("su" <enter> "your_password" <enter>)
2. enter "iwconfig" (without quotes) and show us the output here. your chip should be listed as ath0 or something.

ndiswrapper works with windows drivers, that's the fun. so your windows driver cd is all you need to make it work with ndiswrapper. but give us the iwconfig output first.

3.1 if ath0 is listed and you have an unprotected/access point wlan, it's enough to do
"dhcpcd ath0"
3.2 if you have a protected wlan, use
"iwconfig ath0 key <yourkey>" or "iwconfig ath0 key s:<yourkey>" if it's a passphrase/password and then go to 3.1

"man iwconfig" will bring up the iwconfig man page.