
Here is sample of our initial test with Speed Tree working with 3DGS.

Not like many people will be using Speed Tree due to price, but it does show it is possible to integrate it into 3DGS. We are also currently working on integrating the Havoc Physics Engine into 3DGS, unfortunately none of these will be released to public, although the Earth Sculpture export plugin we are working on will be released to 3DGS community for free once the boss man gives us the thumbs up to do so.

The only reason I am really showing this is, if you really want to you can integrate almost anything into 3DGS in Lite-C if you have the desire and the skill to do so. Not that it is easy, we do have good programmers, but it is possible.

Initial Speed Tree into 3DGS Movie (.m2v file)


Professional A8.30
Spoils of War - East Coast Games