Hey Guys,

I am unsure if this was the appropriate place to post this...

I was on ShareCG the other day and found something that caught my eye. One was a piece of wood that claims to be breakable in a 3D Game engine. It came with a solid peace that looks like slabs of wood connected together then broken peaces. So I was wondering how I implement that into my game. It just really confuses me. How can I have more than one model on-top of another? Because I'm guessing you would have it where you would have a trigger or something that when you hit it or shoot it it "Breaks to one level (Model) So how do I set that up? I also have one of a grate that can break and is in a whole peace and broken ones as well.

Thanks for the help and I am so sorry if this post did not make seance I did my best to explain what I needed help with. If you want the files I have found you can go on ShareCG (Just Google that) or I'll link you to there pages if you want. Thanbks agian! Bye!