Ok my program works like this, when you click on the button it runs a function that adds 1 to my variable, but for some reason it wont add. My variables value wont change.
Any help would just be great thx.
Heres my code:

function button_14()

quiz_score_var += 1; // My Variable
str_cpy(correct_str, "Correct!!!");
snd_play (correct_snd,100,0);

str_cpy (correct_str, " ");

BMAP background_bmp = "background.bmp";

PANEL background_pan =
pos_x = 0;
pos_y = 0;
layer = 0;
bmap = background_bmp;
button (500, 134, "button_3.bmp", "button_3_over.bmp", "button_3_over.bmp", button_3,NULL, NULL);
button (600, 134, "button_8.bmp", "button_8_over.bmp", "button_8_over.bmp", button_3,NULL, NULL);
button (700, 134, "button_14.bmp", "button_14_over.bmp", "button_14_over.bmp", button_14,NULL, NULL); // MY Button

if you need more info just tell me and i will add it.

Last edited by Cactus; 11/01/08 04:29.