I agree with all games listed so far, even though I sort of had in mind not to list games that actually did get a sequel. It's all good though as the topic is 'old games deserving a sequel'.

I realize there are a lot of games with quite dissatisfying sequels out there, so feel free to post those as well. Please say why you didn't like the sequel(s) that díd came out for those games.

I think Quake 3 is a good example. They didn't really care about the Quake 1 legacy, instead they used the franchise to create something new. It's not all bad as the game is fun to play and all, but perhaps it should have become a new franchise all together. There hasn't really been a true Quake sequel. I guess this is true for many games where developers decided to 'try something new'.


Heck yes, another very cool game that deserves a sequel!


PHeMoX, Innervision Software (c) 1995-2008

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