I can't believe someone mentioned Wizard of Wor. That game was pure awesome. But I can't imagine how a sequel would look like.. The gameplay was just to simple to make it a 2008 AAA game.. So I think that would be the job for an indy!

Also, K240.. Pure gold.. Now that game I could see with modern graphics.. Especially the nuke attacks

I haven't actually played Privateer 1 but I did play Privateer 2 and loved it. Space missions, pimping up your ship and a sweet storyline with real video footage.. What more would you possible want from a game?

I realize there are a lot of games with quite dissatisfying sequels out there, so feel free to post those as well.

Ok. I'd like a Fallout 2 sequel please..

Also I have to add:

The Clue! (there's a 'sequel' called "The Sting!" where they managed to suck out all the atmosphere from the first masterpiece..)
Shadow of the Beast 4
and finally.. Pizza Tycoon anyone? (4 player hotseat and the ability to call mafia to bazooka the opponent pizza shops..)

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