Yes. I agree alpha_strike. Here is what he promised:

- middle-class tax cuts
- investing in early childhood education
- investing in alternative fuels and renewable energy
- refusing to take donations from lobbyists
- reducing health care costs for families
- increased security measures for our airports, ports...
- will refocus military resources on al Qaeda in Afghanistan
- will eliminate income taxes for seniors
- equal pay for equal work (women)
- expanding the childcare tax credit

This all costs money and not a single point mentioned will bring additional money to fund such projects. We will see if all this is just another fairy tell to catch some votes.

Did you remember the German elections? CDU told to raise the vat to 18 percent. SPD said there will be no raise at all. Then both built a coalition and raised it to 19 percent. Both lied to us and we did not punish them for this behavior.

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