Originally Posted By: Oxy
As expected the democrats receive the presidency during economic downturn,
and the republicans will receive the presidency during economic hight.


So Barack Obama beeing elected president is a good indicator that we
have an econimical crisis (not just in the US).

McCain didn't have a good plan to solve the economic issues, he wanted to continue war even though the US really can't afford it. For voters there really should be plenty of reasons why to vote for Obama instead.

The only thing hugely bothering me, is that he's looked upon as a Messiah. He's said already he won't be a perfect president, but if he's not able to solve the economic issues (which is likely to be honest, such things take time).. then the Republicans will be in the Whitehouse 4 years from now.

By the way, is it just me or do voters seem to be more likely to punish Democratic presidents when things go wrong, looking at when Bush got re-elected...

Everyone is purchasing and investing more.
A typical bubble arises.
In the end the economy grows unhealthyly fast.
(too many investments in not needed capital goods and markets, and overspending on credit for
consumer goods, low savings)

The whole idea that this came 'without warnings' is bullsht though. To some extent we can blame the Iraq war, overspending and the mortgage markets in not only America, but in the end it's just another indication that capitalism isn't flawless.

Don't get me wrong, I'm no communist, but it's terribly ignorant to think things like 'we couldn't have predicted this happening'. In fact, the crisis is more or less right 'on time' looking at history.


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