I'm hopeful. I did fire off an email to the Democratic Party to congratulate them but to let them know that for most of us the vote was not for the DP but for change and doing things in a better way. If they start playing the same old games, punishing Republicans and refusing to work in a bipartisan way in the hopes of retaining power - instead of doing the people's business- I am frustrated enough that I'll support any legal way of holding their feet to the fire including recalls.

One analyst I heard this morning said exactly that - it is likely the Republicans will be nice (at the start at least), because of this historic victory and for other reasons but that the problem may be from some of his own party who will not embrace his expected efforts to cross the aisle and work in a bipartisan fashion; Instead they may focus on consolidating power and maybe dishing out a little payback.

I hope it doesn't go that way because I'm really aggravated with most of those clowns.

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