hello , me and some friends decied to create a 3d product based website.

There will be advance 3d models & tutorials for a low price.
There will also be some free basic stuff so you can se how the tutorials are and etc...

We got the website done but not running untill we get the payments and stuff finished.

We use a very advance product page. Also i nice skin & a vbulletin forum. a cool homepage and etc..

Now here is what we need:

* Good 3d Modeler (for the 3d products)
* One that makes the tutorials ( Advance tutorials , no leechy.)

The products will be VERY cheap.

Q: Do i get payed?
A: Yes, the 3d modeler and the guy that makes the tutorials earn the most.

So , the site will be preatty much related with:

3ds Max

You don't need to know more then one if you want to join.
And it can be any other tool to , not only theese.

Send me a reply or PM me for applications.

The Team & VatosLoco


Last edited by VatosLoco; 11/10/08 22:09.

Project Mighty RePublic , NEED HELP WITH IT!
