
After some long... long time without any updates.
I decided to scap everything I had from the first level and remake it (so the old screens don't apply anymore). Was necessary as I changed it too much in details and in the end it took over 10 minutes to compile because of all the little problems in the level.

So, a fresh new level, new models, and shaders ( yes, I know, i just implemented the new shaders today, so the shadows are still on the wrong place on some models like the radio). Thanks to Fear411 and xXxDisciple so far for their help on this project!

I know it doesn't show much, but a little reward as to a little spoiler from the beginning of the game.

And NO! my Portal system will still remain a mystery for you. After all, If i show it off right now, the intrest would be gone in this thing anyway. So I'll tease you a little more.



"Sometimes JCL reminds me of Notch, but more competent" ~ Kiyaku