Hi guys,
Im currently just experimenting with a type of evaporating effect for character models. At this current point its coded to go through the models vertex's, place a particle at that location then scale the vertex inwards until all vertex's have been modified whilst the particle has an anti gravity effect and floats away.

The reason for scaling the vertex inwards was to get as close to making the vertex look like it is dissapearing as possible because i have not come across any type of vertex removing commands. I have also thourght about placing a pure black (rgb 0, 0, 0) pixel or bmap over the vertex's posistion (overlay flag checked ofcourse) on the model but im guessing it would look like chunks have been taken out of the model for the rest of it to just vanish suddenly when its gone through each vertex.

Im trying to make this look as realistic as possible and im also going to try and look into seing if i can take snapshots of the points of the models skin where the vertex is to be modified so it actually looks like the models skin evaporating and not flashy / one colour particles.

i was wondering if anyone has any tips to pull something like this off. Not asking for people to code it for me just things like "you should try using this command it will <enter remedy to the overall effect here>".

Would it be better too create / add shaders?. although again im guessing if not implemented correctly the shader will only effect within the model and not outside where the particles / whatnot would be floating.

Below is an example of what i have so far using one of doom3's models until i develope the skills to mold one myself.

As you can probly see scaling the vertex has an awful effect.

i do appologise if this is posted in the incorrect part of the forums.