seems to me that no one is using the old serial communication port's.
For me they still are the easiest way for communication between the PC and a microcontroler project, excluding a paralel port that is easiest!

Here I post some code I done, that's my first attempt to write some code in LiteC, I rewrote the LiteC workshop 2 (i use as a template) so there should be "no good programing technics" but, I'm not a programmer, mine is electronics.

// Simple COM1 test program
// my first try in LiteC
// I supose that some things should be done in a better way
// but after reading the LiteC WorkShop 2 it's enaugh for me!
// Autor: Juan Ignacio Odriozola
// sorry for my bad english!
// Open (or try to) the Communication Port 1
// Sends some characters "Hello !!" twice
// and waits for characters to arrive
// Escape finish the program

#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>
#include <windows.h>

typedef struct {
  int DCBlength;
  int BaudRate;
  int Flags;
  short wReserved;
  short XonLim;
  short XoffLim;  
  char ByteSize; 
  char Parity; 
  char StopBits;
  char XonChar; 
  char XoffChar; 
  char ErrorChar;
  char EofChar; 
  char EvtChar; 
  short wReserved1; 
} DCB;


typedef struct { 
  int ReadIntervalTimeout; 
  int ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier; 
  int ReadTotalTimeoutConstant; 
  int WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier; 
  int WriteTotalTimeoutConstant; 


char TxBuffer[8];
char RxChar;
char TxChar;
int TxCount;
int NumRx;
int NumTx;

#define  GENERIC_READ_WRITE 0xC0000000;

long hPort;

var a = 0;
var b = 0;
var c = 0;


PANEL* panDisplay =
	digits(35, 10, "Handle     = %0.f", *, 1, a);
	digits(35, 19, "BaudRate   = %0.f", *, 1, b);
	digits(35, 28, "LastRxChar = %0.f", *, 1, c);
	flags = VISIBLE;


function main()
	video_mode = 7;
	screen_color.blue = 150;
	LPDCB.DCBlength = sizeof(LPDCB);
	// COM1, COM2, as you need
   hPort =  CreateFile ("COM1", 			// Pointer to the name of the port
                      GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,
                                    	// Access (read-write) mode
                      0,            	// Share mode
                      NULL,         	// Pointer to the security attribute
                      OPEN_EXISTING,	// How to open the serial port
                      0,            	// Port attributes
                      NULL);        	// Handle to port with attribute to copy
   a = hPort;
   if (hPort != 0)
		SetupComm(hPort,1024,1024);	// sets de buffers for Tx and Rx
		GetCommState(hPort,&LPDCB);	// get the state of the device
										// modify some parameters
		LPDCB.BaudRate = 9600;	// 300, 600, 1200 and so on
		LPDCB.Flags = 1;			// no hardware, no software handshake
		LPDCB.ByteSize = 8;		// 8 bits for each char
		LPDCB.Parity = 0;			// 0=none, should be odd, even, mark, space
		LPDCB.StopBits = 1;		// depending on ByteSize should be 1, 1.5 or 2
		GetCommState(hPort,&LPDCB);	// just for verify that the device acepted de BaudRate
		GetCommTimeouts(hPort, &LPCommTO);		// this function fills LPCommTO structure
	   LPCommTO.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 5;	// just modify one of the time out's
	   SetCommTimeouts(hPort, &LPCommTO);		// set the read time out, wait no more than 5 ms for
	   													// a char to arrive
	   TxBuffer[5]=str_to_asc(" ");
	   TxCount = 1;
	   // some examples about how to write
	   // one by one
	   var i;
	   for (i=0; i<8; i++)
	   	TxChar = TxBuffer[i];
		   WriteFile (hPort,	// Port handle
   			&TxChar,			// Pointer to the data to write 
      		1,					// Number of bytes to write
        		&NumTx,			// Pointer to the number of bytes written
        		NULL				// Must be NULL for Windows CE
		//four in one call from offset 0
		WriteFile( hPort, &TxBuffer[0], 4, &NumTx, NULL);
		//four in one call from offset 4
		WriteFile( hPort, &TxBuffer[4], 4, &NumTx, NULL);
	while (1)
		if (hPort != 0)
		// waits no more than 5 ms for a character arrival
		ReadFile (hPort,          // Port handle
          &RxChar,		        // Pointer to data to read
          1,                    // Number of bytes to read
          &NumRx,					  // Pointer to number of bytes read
          NULL                  // Must be NULL for Windows CE
		if (NumRx != 0)
			// if one was received then show it
		wait (1);
	if (hPort != 0)
		CloseHandle(hPort);	// don't forget to close the port!

I hope that should be helpful for someone else.

