Thanks Jigalypuff. I was starting to think I was invisible.

As for tuts, I didn't really find much online -outside the random offset tut, but I did read a couple of books. And I’ve made a lot of textures. The more you make the better you get.

3D Game Textures - Luke Adhearn
The Dark Side of Game Texturing - David Franson

The books don't really show how to make anything spectacular, but they do give a lot of really great ideas.

I have found that understanding how to use and mix layers in Photoshop is essential. Using inner and outer glow for gradients in Photoshop is a good way to make height maps.

If my 3d business is ever stable enough to allow for some free time, I'll write some tuts.

If you need graphic resources, or just want to see some of my work, check out our site AdenFall Software.