I wrote some lyrics for you Michael. Maybe if someone sent me a link to the portal song without singing, just the music, I could record this song for you laugh

If you're interested, would anyone care to edit the lyrics to make it more funny?

btw Michael you are awesome and your development on this game rocks.


There was a noobie
I'm making a note here "epic fail"
It's hard to hide all of my frustration

Tuscture Science
We helps the noobs with their MMORPGS
For the good of Michael_Schwarz
Who might one day kill someone

But there's no sense bashing every noob MMORPG
You just keep on bashing till there's WoW bloom no more
And the model gets done and you make noob game
For the people who don't really care

I'm not even angry
I'm being so sarcastic right now
You're going to make millions and billions of dollers
You're a warez user
Who wants a team of 100 programmers
But it hurt because everyone
Told you that you'd fail

Now we can get excited cause Tusc is here
Michael_Schwarz is a genius and we love him to bits
So I'm glad you're a noob what would we do without you
JCL is a companion cone (or JCL looks like a huge lime)

Go ahead and ignore me
I think I'd rather watch you rant
Maybe you'll find Dan Silverman to help you
Maybe Ichiro Lamb
That was a joke
Haha, fat chance
Anyway this game is great
It's so original and new

Look at me still talking when there's developing to do
Have you got my point yet you're not yet good at what you do
I've builds to run there is testing to be done
On the games that aren't MMORPGS

And believe me don't make a MMORPG
Go make pong or cheese burritos
I feel fantastic I'm not making MMORPG
While you're failing Tusc will still be alive
And when you've failed Tusc will be alive.

Still alive
Still alive